Precise surgical technique to treat skin cancer
Mohs surgery is a tissue-sparing, precise method of skin cancer removal with narrow surgical margins, favourable cosmetic and functional outcomes and a high degree of clinical success. The technique is especially used to operate on skin cancer of the face with an unpredictable growth pattern.
The operation takes place in one of our fully-equipped and comfortable treatment rooms. In consultation with the patient, the dermatologist determines the exact area to be treated and after disinfecting the skin, local anaesthesia is administered, which can cause some minor discomfort. Some stitches can be applied for orientation. The dermatologist then starts to cut out the skin cancer.
This piece of tissue is taken to the laboratory for tests. In the meantime, the wound is treated and bandaged allowing you to relax in our waiting rooms until the dermatologist has examined your skin under the microscope. If the skin cancer is still not completelyremoved, the process is repeated until it has been removed completely. Once final and successful, the dermatologist will discuss the various possibilities to close the wound.
This might be done by simply approximating and stitching the edges of the wound. If this is not possible, a minor skin transplant may be considered. Sometimes, it may be decided to let the wound heal naturally.
Expected results
The Mohs technique is especially used to operate on skin cancer of the face with an unpredictable growth pattern. Sometimes, the area of affected skin may be greater than originally expected. However, the microscope is leading and you can be sure that no superfluous healthy skin will be removed: skin is only removed from where cancer cells exist.
There will of course be a scar following the operation and depending on the location, the size, and your natural healing ability it will remain visible for some time. If you are not satisfied with the final result, the dermatologist will discuss possible solutions with you.
There is minimal risk of serious complications.
Should the wound continue to bleed, press your hand flat, firmly and continuously on the bandage for 20 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, continue to apply pressure on the bandage for a further 20 minutes. If the bleeding does not cease, please contact us or your family doctor.
If a few days post-operation, the area causes discomfort and has a reddish appearance and if you have a temperature, please contact us immediately.
If the scar grows thicker or becomes unsightly, make an appointment with your dermatologist at Mohs Clinics.
Post-operation rules
- Take your time to recover; avoid lifting heavy objects; avoid bending over forwards; avoid all sports or forms of exercise; avoid any activities that may cause heavy perspiration.
- If in pain, take paracetamol. Do not take aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid
- Do not make the bandage wet! This increases the chance of infection
- If you have undergone a facial operation, it is advisable to sleep with the head of the bed tilted slightly up.
A Mohs surgery can take from a few hours up to a whole day. Between operations, you can rest, read or, if absolutely necessary, work on your laptop.
If it takes place during mealtimes, food and refreshments will be provided. For yours and the rest and recovery of others, we kindly request you to bring only one accompanying person with you.

Other dermatologic surgery techniques
Skin tumors or moles can be removed in several ways. One of the most frequent and common interventions is excision. The affected skin is cut away and sutured.
PDT is a treatment which involves light-sensitive medicine and a light source to destroy malignant cells. After several weeks they are replaced by new, healthy skin cells. This treatment can be delivered with great precision which makes it very attractive. Please note, this therapy is not suitable for every form of skin cancer.
In this therapy, fluid is injected into the varicose vein. This causes an inflammatory reaction in the blood vessel walls, which sees them start sticking together resulting in the varicose vein wasting away. For larger varicose veins, foam is made from the liquid which has a better working effect.
The treatment is cosmetically attractive because there are no resulting scars and no sedation is required. Taking about 15 minutes, the short treatment time makes it also very advantageous. Following this therapy, therapeutic, elastic support stockings are worn for 2 to 7 days, depending on the size of the treated varicose veins.
This treatment involves the insertion of a catheter into the vein. A small laser, guided by ultrasound, is passed through the catheter delivering short bursts of energy which cauterize the vein.
This treatment is not suitable for all varicose veins and is only carried out on large and reasonably straight varicose veins.
The ideal treatment of varicose veins depends on a variety of different factors. Varicose veins can be treated through laser, injection or an operation such as ambulant phlebectomy (Muller method).
For medium-sized varicose veins which have returned after an earlier operation, ambulant phlebectomy is an appropriate treatment and can be applied in combination with other forms of treatment.